E-FILING is the quickest method for submitting your 7460-1, Request for Construction or Alteration, for temporary and permanent structures located OFF or ON airport property. Please follow these simple steps:
Click 'New User Registration' and complete. Make note of your user id and password.
Add Sponsor. This is the party ultimately responsible for the permanent or temporary structure.
Click 'Add New Case (OFF or ON Airport)'.
Proceed with adding your new case. All areas with asterisks must be completed. Click on 'Save'.
Click on 'Verify Map'. Verify that the location AND site elevation are correct for your structure and click on the verification statement.
On Airport only: Add a sketch to your submission.
Click on 'Submit to FAA'.
Remember to check the website at least weekly to monitor the status of 'My Cases'.
For further assistance, refer to the 'User Guide' or call the Support Desk at 202-580-7500.