Off Airport Construction: |
Please make every attempt to E-file your proposal. If unable to E-file:
- Send forms 7460-1 and 7460-2 to the address listed to the right.
- Please do NOT send other types of documents to this address.
Mail Processing Center
Federal Aviation Administration
Southwest Regional Office
Obstruction Evaluation Group
10101 Hillwood Parkway
Fort Worth, TX 76177
Fax: (817) 222-5920 |
On Airport Construction: |
- Please use the link to the right to locate the
FAA Airports Region / District Offices (ADO) having
jurisdiction over the airport on which the construction
is located.
- Form 7460-1, Notice of Proposed Construction or
Alteration, must be filed with the FAA 45 days
prior to the beginning of construction:
Airports Region / District Offices (ADO) |
Julie A. Morgan
Manager, Obstruction Evaluation Group
Phone: (405) 954-8568
Email: OEGroup@faa.gov
Cindy Whitten
OE Wind Turbine Team Manager
Phone: (816) 329-2528
Email: OEGroup@faa.gov
Dan Shoemaker
Western OE Team Manager
Phone: (206) 231-2989
Email: OEGroup@faa.gov |
Dez Silagyi
Central OE Team Manager
Phone: (817) 222-5919
Email: OEGroup@faa.gov |
Dave Maddox
Eastern OE Team Manager
Phone: (202)-267-4525
Email: OEGroup@faa.gov
Manager, Rules and Regulations Group
Federal Aviation Administration
Air Traffic Organization
Rules and Regulations Group, 5th floor
600 Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20597
Phone: (202) 267-8783
Email: OEPetitions@faa.gov