Form 7460-2 for ASN: 2017-ASW-19499-OE Tools: Printer graphicPrint this page
Construction Type New
Owner of Structure: Hanover R.S. Construction
Construction Location / Height
Latitude: 29° 44' 22.18" N
Longitude: 95° 25' 10.61" W
Horizontal Datum: NAD 83
Site Elevation (SE): 54 (nearest foot)
Structure Height (AGL): 450 (nearest foot)
Site Elevation Determined By: Actual Pre-Built Survey
Address 2:
City: Houston
State: TX
Construction Notifications
Construction Start Date: 12/04/2017
Estimated End Date: 08/16/2019
Greatest Height Reached Date:
Abandon Date:
Dismantled Date:
M&L Change Date:
Extension Request Date:
Antenna Requiring FCC License
ASR Number:
FCC Permit Applied Date:
FCC Permit Issued Date
Marking and Lighting
Marking and Lighting: Red lights
Estimated Date ADLS will be installed:  
Estimated Date ADLS will be operational:  
Date ADLS enabled:  
Date ADLS discontinued:  
Latest Supplemental Case Note
Latest Supplemental Case Note: